Low Intensity Firebrand Guide: Group Quickness with 20k+ DPS

Crowd Control / Breakbar Damage

- Sanctuary Sanctuary[Guardian Utility Skill]
- Blazing Edge Blazing Edge[Axe Skill 3] - Tome of Justice Tome of Justice[Firebrand F1 Skill] > Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke [Skill 3]
- Tome of Courage Tome of Courage [Firebrand F3 Skill] > Chapter 2: Daring Challenge Chapter 2: Daring Challenge

Extra Damage

- Symbol of Vengeance Symbol of Vengeance [Axe Skill 2] adds damage and Fury Fury for you and 4 party members, while also Crippling Cripple and Bleeding Bleeding on up to 5 enemies.

Additional Notes

- Guardian inherently incredibly flexible.These are just a few very strong options.
- Wall of Reflection Wall of Reflection[Guardian Utility Skill] provides projectile reflect
- "Stand Your Ground!" Stand Your Ground![Guardian Utility Skill] provides Stability Stability and Resolution Resolution for your party and is a self Stun BreakStun Break.
- Signet of Mercy Signet of Mercy [Guardian Utility Skill] provides a ranged res option.
- Tome of Courage Tome of Courage [Firebrand F3 Skill] > Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark Chapter 3: Valiant Bulwark [Skill 3] provides a projectile reflection bubble.
- Tome of Courage Tome of Courage [Firebrand F3 Skill] > Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge Chapter 1: Unflinching Charge [Skill 1] Provides Stability Stability and Swiftness Swiftness.
- Tome of Courage Tome of Courage [Firebrand F3 Skill] > Epilogue: Unbroken Lines Epilogue: Unbroken Lines [Skill 5] provides Aegis Aegis, Protection Protection, Stability Stability, and a Unique Class buff Unbroken Lines Unbroken Lines that grants +300 Toughness.

The build link : Here



Low Intensity Virtuoso Guide : Easy 30k+ DPS


Low Intensity Quickness Harbinger Guide : Permanent Group Quickness with 20k+ DPS