Low Intensity Daredevil Guide: Big DPS w/ 2 buttons

Crowd Control / Breakbar Damage

- Basilisk Venom Basilisk Venom [Thief Elite Skill]

Extra Damage

- Spamming/Holding down Weakening Charge Weakening Charge[Staff Skill 2] when you have FULL initiative until it is completely drained.

- Activating Assassin's Signet Assassin's Signet[Thief Utility Skill]

Additional Notes

- Make sure to complete your Auto Attack chain in order to use Punishing StrikesPunishing Strikes which hits VERY hard.
- Hide in Shadows is a great heal that provides Stealth and Condition cleanse, but to further reduce the amount of buttons being pressed, you can bring Signet of MaliceSignet of Malice but you will be losing the Condition cleanse.
- For a two button varient that, swap Staff Master Staff Master for Havoc SpecialistHavoc Specialist. This varient has a rythem to it and the goal is to never have full endurance or initiative. The rotation is as follows : Dodge > Spamming/Holding down Weakening Charge Weakening Charge > Auto Attack > Repeat.

The build link : Here



Low Intensity Soulbeast Guide : One Weapon, No Swapping


Low Intensity Mirage Guide: 24k+ DPS With A Single Button